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Your form’s been received with a high-five! Our team’s on it, reviewing your details, and we’ll reach out within the next 5 business days. While you’re here, why not embark on a little exploration of our commitment to nurturing a greener, healthier future by turning your waste into worth? Dive into our world and see how we’re laying the groundwork for a sustainable tomorrow, today!
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Joining our network? Your first step to create a climate positive impact!

Hey there! Ready to make a difference? Keppel Seghers Belgium is calling on the passionate, the innovators, and the game-changers across all generations. This is your chance to be part of a community that’s at the forefront of shaping a sustainable future. Whether you’re driven by experience, innovation, or the desire to create a climate positive impact, your unique contribution is what we need. Dive into projects that matter, connect with like-minded individuals, and join the conversation.
12 Reasons why Waste-to-Energy is good for us
Our projects
Keppel Seghers Belgium, Belgian Engineering and Technology Hub
Works at KSBE

Absolutely, we carry our work with immense pride and relentless passion!